Elizabeth Bravo Therapy
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
My Approach
what it's like to work with me

therapeutic style
Holistic & Client Centered
You, as the client, set the pace for our work, as therapy is a service for you. This is your space, your treatment. I find value in utilizing a variety of different therapeutic modalities to customize treatment to your needs. My primary styles are attachment, cognitive, and psychodynamic. I believe our early experiences often shape how we are in relationships, and through therapy we can learn healthier ways of connecting to ourselves and others. I help my clients use mindfulness and acceptance to find more peace and joy in life.
unique experience
Empathic, Direct, Warm
The therapeutic relationship is often the most important indicator of how successful treatment will be. It is critical that you feel comfortable and safe working with me. My clients describe me as warm, humorous, genuine, and on the more laid back side. While professional boundaries are important for your health and safety as well as mine, I believe authenticity and direct communication are critical components of building a successful working relationship.
clinical social worker
Person in Environment
Clinical Social Workers bring a unique skill set to the therapy space, as we have training with individuals, families & groups, and larger systems, such as communities, organizations, policies and institutions. This broad context of experience allows us to see our clients as individuals existing as part of larger systems and incorporate that into treatment. We do not exist in a vacuum, and often the issues that cause us to seek therapy are amplified by the environment around us.
finding the right fit
Therapy is a highly personal and intimate experience, and finding a therapist who is the right fit for you is important. Check out my blog post about choosing a therapist for more tips and information.